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Dayton Islamic School

Looking to Shine in this life and the hereafter

Pre-k to Grade 8

"Education is a treasure that can never be stolen"

School News

Morning drop off & pick up:

Drop off is no later than 8:10am/Pick up is no later than 3:05pm

Please be on time as you will be charged $1 per every minute you're late.

Our Philosophy

ISLAM is the most important thing about our school.  We follow Islam by obeying Allah and His Messenger (may Allah exalt him) according to the understanding of the Messenger's companions (Sahaba) and those who followed them in faith.

Contact Us

3662 East Patterson Road

Beavercreek, OH 45430

(937) 429-9477

(937) 429-9512 - Fax

Events & Updates

School Handbook has been emailed


Submit your Ed choice applications

Our History

We started in 1996 and are under the umbrella of the Greater Dayton Islamic Foundation (GDIF).  Alhamdulillah we have been serving the community since that time.

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